Steve Job`s Collection: Marketing at its Best

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Steve Jobs was known for his innovative marketing techniques and ability to create hype around Apple products. Some of the most successful marketing campaigns by Steve Jobs include:

  1. “1984” – This iconic commercial, which aired during the 1984 Super Bowl, introduced the Macintosh computer and positioned it as a revolutionary product that would change the way people thought about computing.
  2. “Think Different” – This marketing campaign, which ran from 1997 to 2002, featured black-and-white photographs of influential figures such as Albert Einstein and Mahatma Gandhi accompanied by the tagline “Think Different.” The campaign was designed to encourage people to think creatively and challenge the status quo.
  3. “iMac Introduction” – In 1998, Steve Jobs introduced the iMac, a colorful all-in-one computer that was unlike anything that had come before it. The marketing campaign featured a series of humorous and memorable television commercials that helped make the iMac a hit.
  4. “Get a Mac” – This campaign, which ran from 2006 to 2009, featured a series of commercials that compared the Mac to a PC in a humorous and lighthearted way. The campaign was successful in helping to change people’s perception of the Mac as a “cool” and desirable product.

Overall, Steve Jobs was a master at creating buzz and excitement around Apple products, and his marketing campaigns helped to make Apple one of the most successful and innovative companies in the world.

1984 Iconic Apple Commercial

Think Different Campaign

iMac Introduction 1998

Get a Mac

iPhone Marketing Campaigns

Apple has produced many memorable and successful advertisements for the iPhone over the years. Here are a few examples of some of the best iPhone ads:

  1. “Hello” – This ad, which aired in 2016, features a series of people using the iPhone 7’s new water-resistant design to take photos in various watery environments. The ad’s catchy slogan, “Water. Pool. Rain. Sink. Hello,” helped to make it one of the most memorable iPhone ads of all time.
  2. “Your Verse” – This ad, which aired in 2014, features dramatic footage of people using the iPhone in a variety of settings, accompanied by a voiceover reading from a poem by Walt Whitman. The ad’s message, that the iPhone can help people to “write their own verse” and achieve their goals, was powerful and resonated with many viewers.
  3. “If You Don’t Have an iPhone” – This ad, which aired in 2007, was one of the first to feature the now-iconic “Mac vs. PC” format. The ad compares the iPhone to a variety of other phones and highlights its unique features and capabilities, such as the ability to make calls and browse the web at the same time.
  4. “One Night” – This ad, which aired in 2011, features a series of people using the iPhone 4’s FaceTime feature to connect with loved ones in different locations. The ad’s emotional message, that the iPhone helps people to stay connected with those they care about, was powerful and helped to make the ad one of the most memorable iPhone ads of all time.

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